The Aura Culture Book
An important aspect of Aura Dating Academy is our supportive, encouraging, and inspirational community made up of people from all over the world–including Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, mainland China, Australia, New Zealand, England, USA, and Canada–ranging in age from 18 to 47, and from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, bankers, entrepreneurs, consultants, teachers, students, and NS (national service) men.
What values, beliefs, and goals unite us? How can we affirm our commonalities while simultaneously propelling us to further growth? Our answer, inspired by Zappos, is the Aura Culture Book. It’s packed with our members’ ideas about our culture and their experiences with the Academy, as well as photos, our core values, and more. We originally intended it for inclusion in our New Members’ Orientation Package. But we decided to release it to the public in the hopes that it will inspire you to further success in life and love.
Directly from Aura Dating Academy Members to YOU
Our Culture Book is a collage of unedited submissions from Aura members on what the Aura experience means to them and any advice they’d like to pass on to new members. Except for correcting typos and grammatical errors, we’ve left everything unedited and published it all in this book. We update the Culture Book every season (roughly every three months). Request your copy today and see what all the buzz is about.
Aura Dating Academy has played a huge part in my life development. It’s a life-changing experience from how I dress, walk, talk and most importantly, the way I think. It means a lot to me. It’s made me into a better man. Since I joined Aura, I have done a lot of things which in the past I would have thought were impossible, like making friends with beautiful female strangers on the streets, being comfortable in clubs, talking to many strangers on any occasion, etc. I am really thankful that I joined AURA. It’s one of the best decisions I have made in my life. The only thing I regret is that I should have joined AURA earlier.
Discovering the world of women has been such an enlightening (although fearful at times) experience for me… The experience for me is about more then getting laid or getting girls. It is a process of finding my true identity, and I feel I am progressing to live the life that I always wanted and believe that I so rightfully deserve. (Man, can’t believe tears keep rolling down as I write this!). It’s about making amazing connections with people whom I have now gained the confidence to go out and meet and making our lives better for one another. More importantly, Aura has taught me to invest in myself and take the risks and actions to make my life better and happier.
Back in the day, just approaching a person to ask for the time was hard for me. But now, I’m able to walk up to people I would like to know and make connections with them. I truly appreciate that I’m able to make more friends and connect with them. The fact that I’m happier right now–being able to achieve my goals and being happier about myself–has left me with no regrets in joining the academy.
The Aura experience is definitely one of the most valuable and memorable experiences of my life. David, the Aura members, and the mentors have taught me so many things about life. Making new friends and meeting new people are some of the best experiences in Aura. Aura doesn’t only teach you to be a social man, Aura teaches you to be a man who is full of passion, goals and dreams. Aura has made me understand not only how women think but how people think. You will never see life the same way again after Aura.
Aura Dating Academy Core Values for Men
1. Give good feelings to others.
2. Add value to others by our presence.
3. Never play with the emotions of others, especially the more vulnerable.
4. Respect the dignity of all human beings, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, or political persuasion.
5. Earn the respect of others; do not simply demand it.
6. Become our best selves.
7. Be true to my “edge” wherever it may be.
8. Take constructive criticism like a man.
9. Be understanding and empathetic.
10. Compare my progress against my former self not against others; check my ego at the door.
11. Have courage in facing fear; in the face of fear, step up.
12. Push beyond my comfort zone.
13. Persevere; adapt but never give up.
14. Speak up when wronged; do not harbour resentment.
15. Have FUN!
The Aura Core Values for Men are all explained in detailed inside the Aura Culture Book.
Get your copy now by filling in the form.